Collect information about your guests

Understand how to collect and retrieve information about your guests.

How can I collect information about my guests?

Easy peasy lemon squeezy!


πŸ‘‰ Go to your Meeting Types and select the meeting concerned.


πŸ‘‰ Go tho the "Questions" tab and start adding your first question.


πŸ‘‰ Adjust your questions settings:

1 - Write your question or the info you'd like to collect from your guest.

2 - By switching this toggle, you can quickly turn one question on or off.

3 - Make your question mandatory (you guest won't be able to confirm the booking without providing a reply to questions made mandatory).

4 - Choose the type of reply that your guest can provide from:

  • One line Text
  • Several line Text
  • Multiple choices
  • Unique choice


πŸ‘‰ You can preview your question.s:


Where can I see information about my guests?


Each time someone books a call with you, the call is logged in your Meeting scheduled section.

Go there and clik on one metting.

By doing that, a panel will open on the right side of your screen displaying:


1 - The default info we collect about your guest:
  • Their name
  • Email address


πŸ’‘ You can even add their LinkedIn profile and send them a quick email from there if need be.


  • The meeting basic info such as Event type, date and time as well as the location.
  • Who's attending (in case your guest invites more people from their team for example)


2 - The replies to all the questions you've asked on your booking page:



That's it! If you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out to our support 😊
